First 50 Days in Office: what Biden has done so far

Bùi Minh Toàn
2 min readMar 23, 2021

President Biden promised to confront many immediate challenges in his first 100 days of the presidency. Overall, he has kept most of his promises so far by using many visible methods, but he has also struggled to tackle many others. Here’s a look at Biden’s 50 days, what progress he has made, and what he hasn’t accomplished.

  • Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic

President Biden vowed to accelerate the vaccine supply and logistics to deliver more doses to the American people. He has kept his promises so far. One hundred million people were vaccinated in the US, a goal Biden had promised would be achieved in his first 100 days. This progress made by increased vaccination prompted Biden to accelerate the timeline, made clear by the announcement on March 12 that the US would make vaccines eligible for all American adults starting on May 1. With the goal of returning the country to some form of normalcy by July 4, it is becoming clear that his goal is more attainable every day with more vaccines and more people resuming their activities.

  • Implementing a massive stimulus

On Thursday, March 11, Biden signed into the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9-trillion-dollar stimulus act that aims to boost economic activities and deliver aids to millions of Americans in need. After weeks of negotiation, including concessions to moderate and conservative Democrats, the Biden administration has fulfilled one of his most important campaign promises: delivering aids to the people. Biden is campaigning across the country to raise awareness about his stimulus plan in the hope of receiving more support for the midterm election.

  • Revitalize alliances

Biden returned to a more traditional approach when engaging with other countries. He made calls first with allies and close partners while engaging in conventional summits with multilateral organizations such as the G20. On top of that, Biden also held the first leader-level summit of the Quad, an informal forum between Australia, Japan, India, and the United States. The four nations pledged to produce and supply one billion vaccine doses to the Asia-Pacific region, especially ASEAN, where China is making inroads through vaccine diplomacy. Biden has successfully brought together a group of countries that all share the same hawkish foreign policy view on China, something Trump attempted but failed to do.



Bùi Minh Toàn

I am a senior student at Thornton Academy in Saco, Maine. I’m interested in history, politics, and international relations